
If anything, Florida felt like a vacation. Staying with friends as we headed south through the state, we were able to start our adjustment towards becoming more civilized. We were blessed with showers and home cooked food, good company and lots of laughs. First we stopped in Titusville, east of Orlando, to visit our friend... Continue Reading →

Texas & Louisiana

San Antonio is a city full of life and color. The humidity was a wake up call as we have been so accustomed to the dry heat of the west. We went to one of the top Mexican restaurants in the city and devoured tacos before heading to see the Alamo. The historical buildings were... Continue Reading →

Big Bend National Park

Before Big Bend, we stopped at Terlingua, TX, a ghost town. Once it was mined for quicksilver and inhabited over 2000 people, but when the company went bankrupt, everyone left. In the 70's people started to re- inhabit the still standing structures and it developed into a place of arts, music, and unconventionality. Yeah it... Continue Reading →

Carlsbad Caverns National Park

Ever gone scuba diving? The silence, the solitude, the weightlessness as you float around astonished by the shapes of coral; Carlsbad Caverns is much like scuba diving. With very low expectations of this park, we had our doubts about the grandness of this area. We've seen absolutely incredible things, this cave should not even compete.... Continue Reading →


We felt that De'Von needed to also get into the holiday spirit, so we hooked him up with some holiday gear. Although we don't keep the Christmas lights constantly on, when we do have them lit most people wave or smile! We're spreading Christmas cheer all the way back to Connecticut. After driving up a... Continue Reading →


Canyonlands National Park is an impressive landscape of desert wilderness. The views from above the canyon show the expansive freedom of this park. However, since we knew the thrill of off roading White Rim trail with Zack's Nissan Xterra, the day in Canyonlands felt a little short. We made the major stops, took amazing pictures... Continue Reading →

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