Joshua Tree National Park

Joshua Tree National Park is known for its abundance of spiky Joshua trees and the ability to see the Milky Way. I was incredibly impressed with both. The park has two different ecosystems, the Mojave desert and the Colorado desert, although both deserts, they inhabit very different species. The Mohave desert is anything above 3000... Continue Reading →

Southern California 

It's been super busy trying to fit in everything we wanted to do in Southern California. After Yosemite we drove to Santa Barbara, our favorite SoCal town we went to. Hundred of cute stores inhabited the southwestern style buildings that lined State Street. We bought a few things at REI and the vans store and... Continue Reading →

Yosemite National Park 

We had big expectations of this park. We knew going in that the crowds of tourist swamp the valley and that it would be near impossible to get a campsite. With all the warnings, advice and knowledge we had about Yosemite Valley, we were still disappointed. The park is absolutely beautiful. Huge walls of granite... Continue Reading →

Las Vegas

This was Zack's first time in Vegas, he was really excited. We pretty much just walked the strip and explored as many hotels as we could. I'm just going to upload pictures so you can see what we saw!It was still really hot but we were just happy to have the occasional AC. After Las... Continue Reading →

Death Valley National Park

It's name says it all.... Arid, hot, dry. I honestly felt like I was going to die. We arrived at the park early, but it was still over 100°. The pavement started to melt my tevas and I had to switch to my hot hiking boots. Probably a good idea since scorpions, black widows and... Continue Reading →

Alabama Hills 

Although a popular back drop for many western movies, Alabama Hills is secret to most. West of the town Lone Pines, the area is filled with desert rock for as far as the eye can see. In the background the Sierra Nevadas tower over the land. Only a handful of cars and campers made the... Continue Reading →

Sequoia National Park 

We only spent a few hours in sequoia. The trees towered over us giving us a nice cool shade on the hot summer day. Crowded and hard to find a parking spot, we drove around until we got out of the mess of people. We headed out to Alabama Hills in hopes to find more... Continue Reading →

Big Sur 

Taking the pacific coast highway we headed south taking in all the views of the bright blue water, magnificent bridges, and amazing mansions. First stop was Carmel Beach. A cute town with shops, we explored a little and headed toward the beach. The amazing surf looked so tempting but extremely cold, we opted to not... Continue Reading →

San Fransisco 

In the distance we could see the city of San Fransisco and out popped the Golden Gate Bridge. The Golden Gate Bridge park is a great place to take pictures with all different hikes and angles to snap the perfect photo. Excited to get into the city we already had a short list of things... Continue Reading →

Redwoods State and National Park

When we crossed the border from Oregon to California and Zack and I were stoked! Both of us have never been, and seeing that, "Welcome to California" sign had us dancing in the car! The northern redwoods pretty much borders Oregon so we were in the park almost immediately. However where we wanted to backpack... Continue Reading →

Middle & Southern Oregon Coast 

Since I'm short on time, I'm just gonna add pictures with their locations! If anyone has questions or would like to know more about Oregon or anything about our trip... Just ask! The pictures are on order as we headed south.  Hecta Head Lighthouse  Oregon Dunes National Recreational Area John Dellenback State Park (Zack was... Continue Reading →


We got off the plane at 8 and attempted to drive to the most northwest beach of Oregon, Fort Steven's state park. However it was late and with many failed attempts to find a safe campground we decided to sleep in a comfort suites hotel parking lot... Little did we know that sea lions would... Continue Reading →

Black sand and Ping pong 

Today we stayed local and spent the first part of the day at a black sand beach. Significantly hotter, we stayed in the water a lot. With good snorkeling we were able to see lots of colorful fish and even some sort of small eel. The sand burnt our feet and the sun felt some... Continue Reading →

Small towns and Luaus 

We drove to the northern most part of the island to the small town of Hawi. The strip of shops focused on selling natural and Hawaiian made products. One store had a small farmers market inside with fresh locally grown fruit. We have been hearing a lot of lychees and we got a bag. The... Continue Reading →

Clouds and Stars

Today was one of the best days of my life. I was at a 9 and in tears saying thank you to the Pirulli's for inviting me on their vacation because today I got to see the Milky Way. Waking up with the smell of scrambled eggs, I walked downstairs and poured myself a glass of... Continue Reading →

Rainforests and Lava 

The weather was bright and sunny when we left the timeshare but as we approached Volcanoes National Park the vog surrounded the land. Vog is when sulfur dioxide emitted by an active volcanoe reacts with oxygen and moisture in the presence of sunlight. There was also a lot of clouds and it started to rain... Continue Reading →

Waterfalls and Secluded Beaches 

Waking up early we ate some fresh pineapple and mango. Clouds were rolling in as we left to go to Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park. What looked like a short shower turned into down pour and a very foggy view of anything above 5000 feet. We decided to save the park for a nicer day and... Continue Reading →

Beach Bums and Manta Rays 

​​Taking off in Seattle we were able to see another angle of the massive Mount Rainier.  We are staying on the north west side of Hawaii island in a cute town called Waikoloa. Driving from the airport to the timeshare we could see hardened lava rock for miles on either side of the road. The... Continue Reading →

Port Angeles and Seattle 

Continuing on the pacific coast scenic byway we headed towards Port Angeles passing by Lake Crescent; filled with fog sweeping over the mountains and pooling over the water. Our destination was Hurricane Ridge, a picturesque area with a panorama view of the snowy Olympic mountains. Fog blanketed the roads but we managed to break through... Continue Reading →

Olympic National Park 

Coast  We stayed at the Kalaloch campground on the Olympic national park coast. Our view of the Pacific Ocean was unbeatable and the campsite provided us with privacy as huge raspberries bushes shaded over us.  The sound of the waves and the smell of the salt made me feel accomplished, we successfully traveled ocean to... Continue Reading →

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