Frequently asked questions??? 

How often do you shower? 

We try to shower as many times as we can when we are gifted with a shower at a campground however it tends to be every 3 days 

What’s been your best meal? 


Zack: eggs sausage pancakes 

Corina: French toast 


Corina & Zack: tied between Mac and cheese and stir fry steak and potatoes 

What’s the most surprising thing of the trip? 

In many states the speed limit is 80 mph but in Montana we saw atleast one hundred crosses on the sides of the road, some in large groups like 6 or 9. The roads have no guard rails or anything. One bad turn and you fall hundreds of feet to your death. 

Did you make any friends? 

I wouldn’t say friends but we became friendly in the Tetons with a couple after working as a team to tell a group of people at a campsite they need to stop getting drunk and throwing up so the bears don’t come. Also the Instagram famous couple from Oregon we hung out with for a day. 

What’s the coolest animal you’ve seen so far? 

Seeing the female grizzy bear with her three cubs was pretty magnificent 

What’s your favorite park? 

It’s probably too early to say but mine is definitely glacier. 

Zack: tied between badlands, Tetons, and glacier. Says he felt the most free in badlands, Tetons had the most beautiful view, glacier had the most diverse scenery. 

Meet any weirdos? 

Met a guy from Texas who bragged about his arsenal of weapons in his car…. Why do you need an AK-47?? But Zack thought it was cool…

What do you wish you brought on the trip but didn’t? 

We planned on printing out all the information that I bookmarked but never got the chance… We regret it now when we don’t have service and are trying to find out something 

The most frequently asked question is …

Do you guys fight? 

Haha of course, not too much but spending 24 hours with someone everyday for what will be weeks will drive anyone crazy. But I think it’s not about the fighting because it’s bound to happen, it’s about how well you can recover after an argument. We try to get over things with in minutes so we don’t ruin the beauty of a location. 

….. Side note… Zack has listened to the same song for the last three days… I’m not kidding. 

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