A relaxing day in Yellowstone 

Today it rained on and off the whole day. We finally hit a wall of exhaustion and decided to take it easy. We drove around to a campsite called Slough Creek which is currently closed but people gather there to see wildlife. On the way we saw a black bear and a cub hiding on the tree line of the road. Not as impressive as the grizzly we saw but just as magnificent. We kept driving to the campground and we came across a line of people all with high tech binoculars which looked more like telescopes. Again people allowed us to look and we were able to see a few pups and the female. In total this pack consists of 16 adults and 9 new pups from 2 liters. This is very exciting for many people so it was nice to see their reactions when they were able to focus on the den. Since all these animals were from a far we were unable to get any pictures. We decided to keep driving east into Lamar Valley which holds most of the wildlife in the park. We were able to see hundreds of buffalo. As we were squinting through the fog and rain we could see the little calves about the size of s large dog. They ran and played with their long skinny legs. Many seemed so uncoordinated we questioned if they were only a few weeks old. Through the fog you can see little mounds of brown, those are all buffalo and this stretched for a quarter of a mile. 

We came back to our campsite and ate lunch, took a nap and made some make shift burritos for dinner. Canned chili on tortillas…. Yeah let’s call that a burrito… We relaxed as the sun setting casted shadows all over the valley. We built a fire but soon it started to down pour. The weather is so unpredictable. We stood over our precious fire with umbrellas to save our dry wood. After the weather cleared we made some smores and called it a night. Tomorrow we leave for Glacier National Park at 5:30 am for a 8 hour drive into snow, cold and beauty. 

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