Grand Teton Part II

The weather flipped from sunny to snow storms about 4 times so everyone in the park was a little confused to how they should plan their day. At dawn we decided to drive to antelope flats road to hopefully see some wildlife however we had little luck. The only animal we continuously saw were pronghorn deer and some elk. We made breakfast on a dirt road that overlooked some grasslands with the Teton mountain range in the background.

 Next we checked out gros ventre campground to scout out a new campsite but soon realized how lucky we were at Jenny lake so we decided to stay. The Moose visitor center was next and it’s definetly one of the most beautiful buildings I’ve ever seen. A combo of modern and woodsy. If you’re in the area check it out, the architecture is pretty cool.


We saw a cute little fox with a few of her pups. Heading north we stopped at signal mountain road. We drove to the top and took a brief hike. The bear fur we found in the trees and the bear footprints are what made us turn around. It is advised to hike in groups of 3 or more so we decided we would be happier to just turn around especially as another storm was rolling in. It was late afternoon and Zack and I decided to eat out because a week of canned food and instant pancake mix was just not cutting it. By recommendation we stopped at Dornan’s deli however it was closed because the summer season doesn’t start until Memorial Day. Next door there was Dornan’s pizza and pasta restaurant and with our dirty jeans, hats and not showered in 2 day bodies we were surrounded by older couples drinking wine in nice Pendleton shirts. We ate like we were timed, the food was so good. 

We went back to campsite and started to get ready for the night. We could see the dark thick clouds rolling in through the mountains and decided to bail the tent and sleep inside the car. The surrounding campers did the same. The temperature reached 26° so we were very pleased with our decision. In the morning we will be heading to Yellowstone only a 35 minute drive. 

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