Mount Rainier National Park 

After 6 hours of driving we were very under impressed with the campground at Lake Roosevelt, partially because it is Memorial Day weekend so the campsites were filled to capacity and it seemed more like a party than a park, so we decided to break the script and drive an additional 5 hours to Mount... Continue Reading →

Frequently asked questions??? 

How often do you shower?  We try to shower as many times as we can when we are gifted with a shower at a campground however it tends to be every 3 days  What's been your best meal?  Breakfast:  Zack: eggs sausage pancakes  Corina: French toast  Lunch/dinner:  Corina & Zack: tied between Mac and cheese... Continue Reading →

Glacier National Park 

We arrived to Glacier late afternoon after taking a 7 hour drive from Yellowstone. Glacier is located on the border of Canada and in summer months the Going to the Sun Road is open to take a 52 mile drive from the west side of the park to the east. Currently the snow in the... Continue Reading →

A relaxing day in Yellowstone 

Today it rained on and off the whole day. We finally hit a wall of exhaustion and decided to take it easy. We drove around to a campsite called Slough Creek which is currently closed but people gather there to see wildlife. On the way we saw a black bear and a cub hiding on... Continue Reading →

Grand Teton Part II

The weather flipped from sunny to snow storms about 4 times so everyone in the park was a little confused to how they should plan their day. At dawn we decided to drive to antelope flats road to hopefully see some wildlife however we had little luck. The only animal we continuously saw were pronghorn... Continue Reading →

Grand Teton National Park

As we entered the park a snow storm covered the pine trees and gave them a sprinkle of powder. We were the only car headed toward the park as the snow began to pick up. After a 5 hour drive we could only see clouds. We were so high in elevation, approximately 7700 feet above... Continue Reading →

Wall Drug, Mount Rushmore & Crazy Horse 

Wall Drug is a complete tourist trap and although we knew this we still wanted to see what all the hype was about. We arrived in this hole in the wall town surrounded by farmland and emerged a little strip of souvenir shops, saloons, and plenty of friendly people. There is homemade pie, homemade donuts... Continue Reading →

The Badlands 

Driving into the badlands front entrance was nothing I could have even prepared for. Seeing the earth just drop off into beautiful canyons of tan and rust was amazing but the most incredible part is how the fragile the formations looked. The landscape looked like it could crumble because of the soft sediment and the... Continue Reading →

Pike’s Peak

Pike's Peak State Park was exactly what we needed. Warm showers, clean bathrooms and a beautiful view. We got to the campsite at 10:30 pm and decided to sleep in the car to avoid wasting time setting up a tent and starting a fire. We quickly cooked some ramen noodles and passed out as soon... Continue Reading →

The Windy City 

After a 12 hour drive only stopping to fill up on gas and take a quick sleep break in a Marriott hotel parking lot... We have made it to the beautiful city of Chicago! We had a small delay when we tried to fit our 7 foot 2 car into a 6 foot 10 parking... Continue Reading →

Welcome to our Road Trip

Zack and I are going on a road trip across the country beginning May 16th, a day after our college graduation. We will be hiking and camping in every national park we can using our America the Beautiful Access Pass. I will be publishing most of our pictures here however we will be posting from our... Continue Reading →

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